About Outpatient Solutions

Focus on Your Patients, & We’ll Take Care of the Rest

With over 30 years as a medical professional and 15 years of OBL experience, founder Don Besoyan knows exactly what it takes to create a successful and efficient outpatient vascular facility that optimizes patient care. 

Besoyan installed the first OBL based off of a model he created in the Hospital for Vascular Surgeons. His extensive background in radiology includes positions held as a manager, director, as well as a CEO for a group of physicians prior to establishing his project management and consulting company Outpatient Solutions.

Don Besoyan is well-versed in all aspects of the business and comes bearing a vast network of resources as well as an in-depth understanding of financials and regulations at his disposal. His primary focus has always been on patient care and efficiency. His goal is to help doctors focus on their practice while removing all the headaches that come along with creating and managing their businesses through his complete project management services.

Your Solution for Creating a Successful Facility

Architectural Design

We specialize in oversight of architectural drawings and plans to ensure that you new facility meets all the specs and regulations to optimize patient care.

Plan Sumbittal

Our experts are here to help you plan and strategize for every aspect of your new company, including plan submittal for design plans, location, general contractor selection, and more.

Construction & Project Management

Our ongoing services and construction management aim to make sure that the plan for your facility is executed with precision and accuracy, every step of the way.

Our Vendors

Driving technology for Medical Facilities