Our Services

Solutions For Creating Your New Facility

Let’s get your new facility off the ground! Our wide range of services can help your company to build, grow, and improve performance. With professional planning, consulting, and construction management services, our expert team here at Outpatient Solutions is here to guide you on every step of the way towards creating a vascular center that is efficient, compliant, and successful.

Business Planning

There’s a lot of steps that go into implementing a vascular medical outpatient facility. Our experts are here to help you plan and strategize for every aspect of your new company. We specialize in providing oversight for project management, architectural plans, general contractor selection, and more.

Standard Operating Procedure Creation

Save time by relying on Outpatient Solutions to create a Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) and Model of Care for your business. We specialize in formulating SOPs that comply with regional, local, and national regulatory agencies so you can worry less.

Building & Supply Finalization

Opening the doors of your new outpatient vascular center facility means making sure that your facility, equipment, and staff are ready to start operations. We’ll help ensure that your construction is completed on time, that your staff is trained on proper procedures, and that you are equipped with all the licences you’ll need to get started.

Equipment & Consulting

With our expert equipment and consulting services, you will experience the benefits of better efficiency, cost management, compliance assurance, and risk management for your new facility. Need help procuring medical equipment or overseeing business operations? We can help!

Ongoing Services

We specialize in ongoing services and construction management to ensure that the plan for your facility is executed with precision and accuracy, every step of the way. We’ll assist you by monitoring services and project deliverables, communicating with vendors, and frequently updating principals to meet your goals.